Monday, July 26, 2010

The staffing arrangements in the most appropriate location

銆??閫氱敤姹借溅鍏徃鍘嗗彶涓婃渶鏉板嚭鐨勯甯墽琛屽畼鏂殕鍦ㄥ鍏徃鐨勭鐞嗚繃绋嬩腑鍗佸垎娉ㄩ噸浜轰簨瀹夋帓杩欎竴鐜妭锛屼粬鎵?瀵肩殑绠$悊灞傛妸杈冨鐨勬椂闂寸敤鍦ㄤ汉浜嬬殑璁ㄨ涓娿?浠栬锛氣?濡傛灉鎴戜滑涓嶇敤鍥涗釜灏忔椂濂藉ソ鍦板畨鎻掍竴涓亴浣嶏紝鎵炬渶鍚堥?鐨勪汉鏉ユ媴浠伙紝浠ュ悗灏卞緱鑺卞嚑鐧句釜灏忔椂鐨勬椂闂存潵鏀舵嬀鐑傛憡瀛愩?鈥?br />
Indeed, the Use of Personnel is very difficult, it takes considerable time, cost considerable energy, sometimes some of the candidates for a key position, managers may be a big headache, which was to be too careful However, this "care" is very necessary, otherwise, when really there because of improper use of the accident, the loss was irreparable. This lesson appeared in many companies.

I know of a computer company had such a thing happened: Managing emotions in the appointment of Lee and his deep, we have not considered too much, stick to their stand. Lee took office did bring some benefits to the company, but the alcoholic's problems have existed for a contract with another company was deceived, causing damage to over a hundred million company, battered, has not been from the bottom out of. Managers must pay attention to personnel arrangements, be careful, cautious, careful again.

銆??浠ユ搮闀跨殑鏂瑰紡杩涜绠$悊 鎴戞浘缁忓悜璁稿浼佷笟鐨勭鐞嗚?闂袱涓棶棰橈細涓?槸鈥滀綘濡備綍瀵逛紒涓氳繘琛岀鐞嗏?;浜屾槸鈥滀綘鏄惁浠ヤ綘鎿呴暱鐨勬柟寮忚繘琛岀鐞嗏?銆?The first question, almost all of the respondents could answer was rhythmic, but the second question, many people can not give a definite answer. This shows that although a considerable number of managers know how to manage the enterprise, but their approach is not used his own good at. However, successful companies grow at all times and told us that the key to success of an enterprise managers are good at their management approach to managing.

Learn from successful business management experience is important, but avoid rote. Some management companies work on the other, on their own business may not be effective, simple and sometimes a negative migration effect. Thus, even successful companies to "learn" and pay attention to two things: One, the management of people with their management philosophy is there is a conflict, if there is an irreconcilable conflict and this conflict, they can not impose borrowing. Others to follow their stumbling, better way to use their good management. Second is to learn from the management of "break apart, crumple up" to make it with their corporate culture to finance.

Currently there is a tendency that "a monk from the Scriptures," Western management methods, management of the wise than we.涓嶅彲鍚﹁锛岃タ鏂瑰彂杈惧浗瀹剁殑浼佷笟绉疮浜嗕赴瀵岀殑绠$悊缁忛獙锛屼絾鎴戝浗鐨勫叿浣撴儏鍐典笌鍏朵笉灏界浉鍚岋紝鐢氳嚦瀛樺湪杈冨ぇ鐨勫樊寮傦紝鍥犳涓嶅彲绠?崟妯′豢锛屾洿涓嶈兘鍏ㄥ鐓ф惉銆?br />
銆??鎵惧噯绐佺牬鍙?br />
銆??鍚湅鍙嬭杩囪繖鏍蜂竴浠朵簨锛氳嫳鍥芥湁鎵?ぇ鍖婚櫌锛屾浘涔呰礋鐩涘悕锛屼絾杩戝崄骞存潵鍏跺0瑾夊嵈姣忓喌鎰堜笅銆傛柊浠婚櫌闀夸笅鍐冲績瑕佽鍖婚櫌閲嶆尟闆勯锛屼絾鍖婚櫌澶ぇ锛岄儴闂ㄥ張澶氾紝濡傛灉鍏ㄩ潰鏁撮】涓?槸鏃堕棿婕暱锛屽尰闄㈠凡涓嶈兘鍐嶆嫋;浜屾槸鏀舵晥寰堥毦棰勬枡銆備簬鏄紝杩欎綅闄㈤暱缁忚繃鑰冩煡璁鸿瘉锛屾渶缁堟妸閲嶇偣鏀惧湪浜嗘?鏁戝锛屽洜涓烘?鏁戝鏄尰闄㈢殑绐楀彛锛屽紩浜烘敞鐩紝鑰岃瀹ょ殑宸ヤ綔浜哄憳浣滈鏁f參锛屾偅鑰呭姝ゆ剰瑙佸緢澶с?闄㈤暱渚垮拰鍏朵粬璐熻矗浜鸿璁哄悗鍐冲畾锛氳繘鍏ユ?鏁戝鐨勬瘡涓?綅鐥呬汉蹇呴』鍦?0绉掑唴寰楀埌鍚堟牸鎶ゅ+鐨勮壇濂芥姢鐞嗐?涓嶅埌涓?勾锛岃鍖婚櫌鐨勬?鏁戝灏辨垚涓哄叏鑻卞浗鎵?湁鍖婚櫌鎬ユ晳瀹ょ殑妤锋ā锛屽張杩囦簡涓?勾澶氾紝鏁翠釜鍖婚櫌閮借劚鑳庢崲楠ㄤ簡銆?br />



銆??鎵撶牬绛夌骇鐣岀嚎锛屾寲鎺樿亴宸ユ綔鍔?鎻愯捣閫氱敤鐢靛櫒鍏徃锛屽彲璋撳鍠绘埛鏅擄紝闀挎湡浠ユ潵瀹冧竴鐩存槸鍚岃涓氫腑鐨勪郊浣艰?锛屽叾缁忚惀鑼冨洿澶у埌璁捐寤洪?鍗佷嚎缇庡厓鐨勫彂鐢靛巶锛屽皬鍒扮敓浜т笉鍒颁竴缇庡厓鐨勭伅娉°?鍏徃鐨勫勾閿?敭棰濋珮杈惧叚鐧惧浜跨編鍏冿紝鍏惰储瀵岃秴杩囦簡涓?簺涓皬鍥藉鐨勫浗鍐呯敓浜ф?鍊硷紝璇村畠瀵屽彲鏁屽浗涓?偣閮戒笉杩囧垎銆?br />
銆??閫氭湁鐢靛櫒鍏徃杈夌厡涓氱哗鐨勫彇寰椾笌鍏舵柊鍨嬬殑绠$悊鏂瑰紡鏄垎涓嶅紑鐨勶紝鍏徃鏄互鍏ㄦ柊鐨勭鐞嗙悊蹇佃耽寰椾汉蹇冪殑銆傚湪绠$悊鍐崇瓥杩囩▼涓紝鍏徃娉ㄦ剰璋冨姩鍛樺伐鐨勭Н鏋佹?锛屾墦鐮撮儴闂ㄧ瓑绾т箣闂寸殑鐣岄檺锛岄紦鍔卞憳宸ユ爲绔嬧?闈炵瓑绾ц蹇碘?锛屽湪澶勭悊浜嬫儏鏃舵帓闄よ韩浠姐?鑳屾櫙銆佺幆澧冪殑骞叉壈锛屾縺鍙戜粬浠敤涔嬩笉绔殑宸ヤ綔骞插姴銆?br />



銆??鈥滈【瀹㈢浜屸?鍐充笉鏄笉閲嶈椤惧锛岃?鏄浣滀负涓?釜绠$悊鑰咃紝蹇呴』鐞嗚В濡備綍鎵嶈兘鍋氬埌椤惧婊℃剰銆傜編鍥界綏姘忔梾娓稿叕鍙哥殑鑰佹澘缃楁.鐨勭粡钀ヤ箣閬撳湪浜庯細鍒汉鎶婂敖鍔涜濂介【瀹㈡斁鍦ㄧ涓?綅锛屼粬鍒欐妸閲嶅績鏀惧湪鍏徃鍛樺伐韬笂锛屼篃灏辨槸璇粹?鍛樺伐绗竴鈥?鍦ㄨ繖绉嶆?鎯虫寚瀵间笅锛屼粬棣栦綅鐨勫伐浣滄槸寤虹珛鐨勬晥鐨勫憳宸ュ洟闃燂紝婵?彂鍛樺伐浠殑蹇犺瘹搴︿笌杩涘彇蹇冿紝榧撳姳鍛樺伐浠墦鐮翠紶缁燂紝鏈?悗钀ラ?鍑轰竴涓揩涔愮殑宸ヤ綔鐜锛屼骇鐢熶护浜洪渿鎯婄殑宸ヤ綔鏁堟灉銆?br />

銆??娆插彇浜庡鍏堝畨浜庡唴锛岃瘯鎯充竴涓憳宸ユ妧鑳戒綆涓嬶紝鎬ㄦ皵鍐插ぉ锛屽叕鍙告?涔堣兘鐢熶骇鍑洪珮璐ㄩ噺鐨勪骇鍝侊紝鍙堟?鑳藉椤惧寰瑧鏈嶅姟鍛? 鐢熶骇闈犲憳宸ワ紝閿?敭闈犲憳宸ワ紝鎸夌幇浠h璇濊锛氳惀閿?嵆浜恒?浠庤繖涓剰涔変笂鏉ヨ锛屸?鍛樺伐绗竴鈥濇鏄负浜嗏?椤惧绗竴鈥濄?

銆??闄勶細 澶辫触鐨勯瀵艰? 鍏锋湁涓嬪垪鐗瑰緛鐨勯瀵艰?锛屽皢浼氫娇鎴愬姛鎴愪负娉″奖:

銆??1銆佸鍒汉婕犱笉鍏冲績銆傜矖蹇冨ぇ鎰忎粠涓嶅叧蹇冨埆浜虹殑棰嗗鑰呭緢闅剧埇鍒伴《宄帮紝鏇翠笉鑳界粍鎴愪竴涓己鑰屾湁鍔涚殑宸ヤ綔鍥㈤槦銆?br />

銆??3銆?鍐烽叿銆侀珮鍌茶?鑷ぇ銆傚緢闅句翰杩戯紝鎽嗕釜鑷灦瀛愶紝浠庢潵涓嶅惉閮ㄥ睘鐨勫缓璁笌蹇犲憡浠ヨ嚜鎴戜负涓績銆?br />


銆??6銆佽韩杈归兘鏄皬浜恒?鍦ㄤ粬鐨勭溂閲岋紝鐜粫鐫?粬鐨勪汉閮芥槸灏忎汉锛屼互灏忎汉鐨勭溂鍏夌湅浜猴紝澶╀笅灏芥槸灏忎汉銆?br />


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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Zhongguancun provoked outrage earlier retail report layout Huang Guangyu

CSC in a sales department of streets in the stock detail to the bill, part of the proof of the Commission for Huang Guangyu of listed companies in Zhongguancun (000931.SZ) restructuring, asset replacement in the unusual transactions suspected of illegal narrative.

Pretending to retail distribution in advance

Source before "First Financial Daily" to produce the right bill, this fund accounts for the 25128419 account named Bin on September 6, 2007 account registration, immediately on Sept. 10, 2007, 11, transferred from the bank nearly 15 million yuan capital stock account, and in this and subsequent 12 days to buy all of Zhongguancun, the cost price of 12-13 yuan, after 8 months did not move without any transaction.

At that time, Zhongguancun is in desperate occasion, one side is guaranteed a total of 3.39 billion yuan for CDMA hard to resolve the issue, one side is 590 million yuan of bank loans in China have long overdue, Zhongguancun has repeatedly drawn the attention of investors announced the investment risk.

Why is this 15 million yuan funds to lightning speed rush into a seemingly "junk shares" of stock? Month later with the answer, show that 15 million yuan of funds "foresight." October 8 announced that the next suspension will Zhongguancun Science and Technology-based real estate industry, the largest shareholder Peng Investment Co., Ltd. Thailand into real estate projects under discussion, October 17 Pengtai Investment real estate projects into the Commitment Letter issued, a basic stock of Zhongguancun surface will be a qualitative change.

This is Huang Guangyu the manipulator and its related companies are offering for the speculation of the park's "individual" one account, with real estate projects and advance into the layout. The insider said: "September 2007, Huang Guangyu's real estate company who came to Shenyang, classmates said, opening dozens of ID cards to borrow to buy securities account Zhongguancun, funds from the grounds that there is insider information, Huang Guangyu real estate projects will be injected into Zhongguancun, which is excellent buying opportunity, and said dispersion of a number of accounts is not prone to buying the attention of regulators. "

Provoke outrage retail report

External acts of individual accounts is only speculation of a Covering Force, as with the broader market fell and the Zhongguancun into the behavior of real estate projects canceled, until June 2008, the account is not time to withdraw the funds. "Sure enough, after the suspension is to inject real estate projects, but later canceled Zhongguancun into real estate projects, said that Gome stores to inject Zhongguancun, not into the triple Trading Company (600898.SH). Purpose is to stabilize these external retail accounts , and other Rat account does not withdraw, in order to ensure a smooth core manipulator of the account to withdraw funds, then the operator instead are focused on closing out cell phone together, can only be issued with a new laptop manipulator. "

Indeed, a number of retail investors has been stabilized, and inadvertently played a "pick-up" role. Huang Guangyu and management of all men resume trading opened in early May after the Zhongguancun high-profile child care prices, claiming that price is a floor price of Zhongguancun, but also to 14 yuan, "It is for this that I continue to buy and firmly held, so far loss of nearly one million. "individual investors double-park on the newspaper ink, said.

Such investors everywhere to securities regulators and public security departments to report and Zhongguancun investors with Huang Guangyu. Securities and Futures Commission said last week will continue to receive these reports, material transfer supplementary investigation by public security organs.

A source close to the SFC audit departments who last week told the FT: "It is investors continued to report complaints, eventually led to the fate of Huang Guangyu today. Although the Commission by the end of April this year began investigating unusual trading in Zhongguancun, but Huang Guangyu If successfully injected into the real estate project in Zhongguancun, investors may not be so deceived the feeling will not insist on reporting. Huang Guangyu to everyone learned is that the so-called capital of gamers, never provoke outrage in the market to do bad things. "

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